Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My First Krav Maga Class

Yesterday, I went to my first class.  I had the day off so I got there really early.  Every one made me feel welcomed and the class itself was a lot of fun.  Since it was my very first day, it was nice that my partner was also a newbie.  I was worried at first that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the initial drills, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I am in much better condition than I thought.  I was able to make it through and was feeling fine after.  I was a bit winded, but not gasping for breath.

During the maneuvers part of the class, I knew a lot of the basic kicks and since I had the advantage to learn a few of the moves from the seminar at my job, it was all pretty familiar.  I was able to follow along and do quite well for my first day.  Yes, I made some newbie mistakes like being on the wrong side of the room when we lined up.  I was a bit taken aback when everyone fell back and I was still on my feet only to find that I had no room to fall back.  Mental note:  snag a spot closer to the middle of the room, stay away from the back.

I will definitely be returning next Monday.  I was also happy to find a few older adults like myself present, although all the females in the class were much younger, but hey! I guess you can't have it all.  For now, I am the old bag, but I am quite proud that I am the old bag that can keep up at the same pace that all those 20 something year olds can!

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