Monday, November 30, 2009

160, Here I Come!!!

I am so incredibly psyched this morning.  I weighed myself the day before yesterday and was at 170.6.  I have teetered up and down between 174 and 172 lbs for over 2 months now.  At times, I have even gone down to 170 and then right back up to 172.  I was feeling so incredibly frustrated and decided to change my routine slightly and just take an overall slightly different approach.  I have been running on the treadmill lately, something I was not able to do before because of a bad right knee and decreased my calories to support the 160 weight for my level of activity.  I was pleasantly surprised to find this morning that it's working!!!

So my first goal of 160 is right around the corner and I could not be happier....woo hoo!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Measure In After 4 Months

The most dramatic decrease was in the waist size:

                           July 27                      November 27
Neck:                   13                                    12.5
Bicep:                  13                                    12.5
Forearm:             10                                    10
Chest:                  36                                    36
Waist:                  35                                    33.25
Hips:                   42                                    41
Thigh:                 24                                    24
Calf:                  15.5                                  15.5

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Musings on My Weekly Cardio Kickboxing Class

Some time ago, I posted this entry regarding a weekly Cardio Kickboxing class I attend at my local gym.  To be honest, this is my favorite class and the only one I have consistently attended for several months.  Not only is it my time to get my heart rate up and release tension, but it also teaches the basics of self-defense.  What strikes me as utterly hillarious is every week, I see a parade of new women attend.  I question if they really get that the whole point of the class is to learn to perfect basic fighting moves, such as kicking, knee strikes, blocks, and the basic punches.  Every time I go, I see some scantily clad overly made up newbie with free flowing locks standing in front of the mirror gloriously admiring herself prior to the warm-up.  Later on, the sweat begins to form on her now reddened face and her eye make-up begins to run.  Very rarely does one make it past the standing part of the class into the abdominals section at the end.  This is when someone either utterly falls in love and becomes a devotee or absolutely hates it, walks out never to return.

For some reason, most of the time, the message that the class is fashioned after actual fighting moves does not sink in.  I will not step into a class that is marketed to burn the fat or because it's fun and teaches you funky moves or whatever other stupid statement they think most women want to hear.  The truth is that at the very  minimum, a class should teach you how to perform the basic fighting moves with proper form so your joints don't end up taking all of the damage from misalignment and injuries. 

A decent class should look something like this:

The class above allows the students to go at their own pace and they will get out whatever they put in. As you can see, some students perform the moves properly while others do a half-ass job, but there seems to be some general understanding that the class is geared towards teaching you moves that can be used in real life situations if need be.

For example, a proper knee strike should look like this:

but more often than not, the type of class you will encounter looks like this:

Which begs the question - if you were faced with an attacker, what would you do? Entertain him with your funky moves and colorful spandex outfit in the hopes he will simply go away after keeling over from laughing at you? Not exactly how the real world works!

I am not saying that these types of classes are a replacement for actual martial arts training or that you should feel you can kick anyone's ass after a good workout session.  The way I see it is you might as well get something useful out of the class.  These are moves that can be employed in real life scenarios if necessary and should be practiced with the intent of perfecting them so that if you ever had to use them, you are prepared to do so effectively and accurately. And truth be told, if you do perform each move with your guard up and as much power behind each move as you can muster, you will burn a lot more calories than simply flailing your arms and legs about repeatedly with nothing behind it. Moral of the story: There IS more that you can take with you from the gym than just the mere satisfaction of looking cute in your new outfit and working up a good sweat!

Ab Workouts

If you're like me and have that post pregnancy mommy belly that just refuses to go away, you might want to try these:

15 Minute Ab Workout - Basic

20 Minute Abs - More Advanced

Gold Medal Abs - If you are in terrific shape already and like to challenger yourself to the limit

with lots of cardio, of course!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hitting my 1st Plateau

So I have been constantly holding between 170-175 lbs over 2 months now. I had gone from over 200 lbs to my current weight pretty steadily, but then I hit the dreaded wall, every dieter’s nightmare, the plateau. Until I reached this point, I was consuming about 1,500 calories daily and that was working fine. After reading various articles on how to break through a plateau, I decided to increase my caloric intake temporarily to a minimum of 1,900 daily. I suspect m body had becomed too accustomed to the amount of food I was feeding it.

So, what happened after increasing my calories? I became a lot more muscular. I have some definition now. I have way more energy and still managed to lose fat in places I had not been able to before, like my thighs. I am not necessarily smaller in size per se, just more toned and firm…which is a good thing, but I would still like to be a bit smaller than I am now.  I am teetering between a size 10 and 8 jeans depending on the make and would like to go down to a size 6.

So what to do? Recently, I decreased my caloric intake yet again to 1,700 – 1,900 calories. Why these numbers? Well, my first goal is to reach 160 lbs. The amount of calories needed to maintain that weight is 2,720 at my current moderate activity level. Moderate being defined as exercising for at least 1 hr/day for 3-5 days/week at a moderate intensity level. In order to lose weight, I would need to decrease my intake by at least 500 calories/day. In this instance, I used 800 calories as an average, which gave me 1,900 calories as a maximum.

Once I finally hit 160, I will work on 150, which is now my new goal weight…so let’s see what happens in a few weeks. Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hiking CAN Kick Your Butt!

Hiking is one of the best exercises I have ever tried.  Those urbanites, who have never stepped into the woods, always seem to think it is equitable to taking a walk in Central Park, but they are so dead wrong.  We, native New Yorkers, many times become blinded by the confines of the 5 boroughs.  We become so used to traveling by public transportation that in time, most New Yorkers don't venture very far out of the City.  I was one of these people before I accidentally discovered hiking in Harriman State Park, and from that day forward, I was hooked.

Hiing is fun, peaceful, cardio intensive, and suits anyone who wants to start at any fitness level.  Hiking brings something different at every turn.  You never know what will be waiting for you half a mile down the road, which brings on a level of excitement to the outing.

There is nothing like having to complete a hike once you're in for motivation.   There is no room for excuses.  There is no way you cannot hydrate yourself.  There is no way to snack on junk unless you bring it with you in the first place.  At my heaviest weight, I was able to hike, not as fast as I can now, but I was able to strap on my daypack and get moving.

Watkins Glen

At it's very basic core, hiking is just you against nature, and it forces you to realize that your every day life is actually not as serious as you may think.  There IS a bigger picture outside of your own universe, and you are nothing but a speck in this great portrait.  Facing nature first-hand humbles you because you realize that even something as seemingly harmless as a squirrel can kick your behind in the woods if you don't watch your P's and Q's.

As humans we are very fragile and don't possess any real natural defenses besides forged weaponry.  So, unless you plan to shoot or stab the squirrel, you are outmatched each and every single time.  You are a guest in the natural domain and you need to observe certain decorum.  You must be aware of where you step and how you step.  You must be aware of where you are going and how to get back.   You must be aware of what time of day it is and what time of day you will be returning.  In essence, you must be ready to survive because if you don't, you are on your own.  And, the last thing you want to happen is to be hurt and lost in the woods at night.  This is why safety is always of utmost importance, but if you are cautious and prepare in advance by packing the appropriate gear, the woods can be a magical place to escape from the drudgery and many stresses of an overpopulated city.

To find great sites near NYC, visit here and for those of you who don't own a car or simply want to stay local for the day, NYC itself has some great parks with many trails.

Gosh, I miss hiking so very much.  Man, I can't wait until Spring!

Home Body Fat Test

The has a body fat test calculated by your measurements.

I just got this result:

Your Results
You have 29% body fat.
You have 49.9 Pounds of fat and 122.1 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water).

And for an interpretation of just what this means.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Exercise Routine

After a long time of not having someone to guide me on the best way to exercise my body, I searched several online sources and took some of the advice the trainers at my local gym had and put them together to form this the exercise routine in July of 2009:

Page 1

Page 2

Since then, I have tweaked my routine somewhat, but the fundamentals are basically the same.  I maintain my daily calorie intake between 1,700 - 1,900 daily.  On the days I know I will have a particular hard workout sometimes I go up anywhere from 2,100 - 2,300.  I take into consideration the intensity level and the duration of the workout to gauge if I should treat myself or not.  The exercises which have multiple sets (usually in sets of 2) are performed in a circuit format.  I will go through two entire circuits.  I use to track EVERYTHING I eat!

Other than that, this is what I do.  I am not saying it will work for you, but it has certainly worked for me so far.

Krav Maga Class

A couple of weeks ago, my employer offered an introductory class in Krav Maga, the Isreali tactical martial art.  Not only was it fun, but it presented a whole new way of defending yourself.  The opponent was not to be overpowered, but instead out maneuvered.  As a woman who turned 40 this year, that concept spoke volumes to me.  No longer was I going to be expected to have to kick an attacker's ass, but I was going to be expected to be able to stun him long enough to get out of harm's way.

As usual, there is a financial consideration when enrolling in a new long-term commitment.  I found a school within a reasonable distance from my job, offers classes for $25 per session.  If you sign up for a package deal, the per session rate decreases substantially, but until I try it out and fall in love, I don't want to sign away a large amount of cash.

So, in the beginning of January, I will be starting Krav Maga classes to complement some of the skills I have already acquired through my personal trainer.  Don't get me wrong this woman has been wonderful for my body.  She has helped me to appreciate pushing myself and what exercises work for different results, but I would like to concentrate more on the combative end of martial arts rather than just getting a good workout.  My sessions with her will run out in mid December and I will rest through the rest of the holidays so that with the new year I will begin my new tutelage.

I am very excited, but nervous at the same time.  I have a bad right knee, which I always need to pay attention to.  I constantly wear a Cho-Pat knee brace to make sure it is always stabilized.  I have a ganglion cyst on my left wrist, which should be removed, but I don't want to not be able to use my hands for months on end while in recovery.  I am weary that over 40 one is more prone to injury and does not recover as quickly as you do when you are much younger, but....when have I let little details like these discourage me? So, I will keep to my plan and  see where this journey takes me!

Let Me Introduce Myself

At the age of 37, I was depressed, obese, and feeling trapped in a bad marriage. I began not caring about my self emotionally and physically. I began eating like crap and had absolutely NO motivation to change my current lifestyle. From the time I met my ex husband in 1999 when I was 29,  to late 2007, I had steadily gained about 60 lbs.

Me back in 1999

The funny part was that when I was in my mid-20’s, I was very fit. I exercised regularly, ate a balanced and healthy diet, and was able to control my weight without much effort. I was also very independent and a lot healthier emotionally.

So, you can imagine my disappointment when I began noticing that I had gone from a size 6 jeans to a 16.  It was then I began noticing that even those jeans were already fitting me quite snugly if I say so myself. I no longer felt attractive and this was constantly reinforced by my spouse’s constantly roving eye and it slowly began to erode our physical intimacy.

I looked in the mirror one day, and found this woman:

I didn’t even recognize her anymore. This wasn’t me! This was a miserable shell of my former happy, confident, and very healthy self. I decided to do something about it. I began exercising at home. Although my spouse and I made good money, I could not justify to myself spending money on a gym membership. Thinking back on the utter stupidity of that statement, I confess between the both of us, we routinely spent over $100 a month for cigarettes, and still I could not see myself spending a fraction of that for my own health. I realize now that my problem was that I did not believe I was worth the effort and expense.

A few years before that, I had signed up for a 1 year gym membership through a discount program with a previous employer and did not go one time. I always had an excuse for not going, and my spouse offered no support other than wanting me to get out of the house so he would not have to spend so much time with me.  So, every time I mentioned a health club, he did not waste the opportunity to point out how I had not attended for a full year and why should now be any different.

So, despite him and the passing of my mother a few months earlier.  I began devoutly exercising at home during a long marital separation we had in 2007.  I managed to lose about 40 lbs in 6 months through exercise, diet, and diet pills. Every time I would think about my failing marriage, I would put on my sneakers, and exercise. This was my way of coping with the stress, disappointment, and finding myself entirely alone after so many years, but still having to support and nurture 2 children on my own. I began dating a gentleman who turned out to be a really nice guy, but not very understanding of my situation at home. That short-lived relationship was destined to fail, but it began opening my eyes. I had been in an abusive marriage and I was damaged emotionally.

I had forgotten what it was like to spend time with someone that was actually interested in me and was not going to constantly judge me, or jump down my throat each time we disagreed. I rediscovered that I was worth listening to, paying attention to, and that I was an attractive, kind, intelligent and very interesting woman. My mistake during that time was in reconciling with my husband. Now, I found myself right back where I started from, but this time, I had almost succeeded in freeing myself of him, but then sabotaged myself. I would pay dearly for this mistake and not only by gaining all the weight back.

Sometime at the beginning of 2009, my spouse began working on his own body. He had already lost about 70 lbs.  He had lost too much weight and began looking frail and wanted to sculpt his body instead.  He then managed to pack on a lot of muscle with lots of sweat, a high protein diet, and hard work.  I was very proud of him.  But, as his body changed, his inner self changed as well. He became even more disagreeable all the time.  He would pick fights for no reason and every time we argued, he would literally run away and began spending nights away from home; something he had never done before.  He became obsessed with what he was wearing, and the way he looked. He once had a fit and would not leave the house because he could not find lotion for his feet for a day at the beach.  Once we got to the beach, he stood by the seashore flexing his muscles waiting for women to notice him.  Of course, I began finding this egotistical behavior increasingly repulsive, and it shot my woman radar into overdrive. He was desperate to convince me I was being unreasonably jealous.  We butted heads because I could not understand WHY he needed so much constant attention all the time and WHY it needed to be from other women.  Don't ask me why, but he then convinced me he had outgrown the community center where he was training at, and wanted to join a real gym. I wanted to make the relationship work and wanted him to be happy so in March, we both enrolled in a local Bally’s through another discount program with my current employer.

Me in February 2009

At first, we began going together, and it was quite fun. We would wake up at 5:00 am and he would drive us to the gym. We both began seeing the changes in our bodies. He even convinced me to sign up for personal training sessions to maximize my workouts, which proved to be invaluable. What I hadn’t noticed in all of this was that my husband had been cheating with a parade of women for over a year prior to April of 2009, when I found out.  That's what was going on.  I could not put my finger on it, but I had sensed it all along.

For a couple of months after, I tried to forgive him and myself for not seeing it sooner, but he made no attempt to change the situation. He simply worked on trying to get better at hiding his tracks. He then tried to manipulate me and force me to beg him back when he announced he was leaving in July.  He called my bluff and thought that I would have no other choice but to accept him back home along with his harem of women on the side.  He believed financially and emotionally I would not be able to stand on my own two feet.

But, the tables had somehow turned and he was entirely oblivious to the changes I had gone through. I remained dedicated to improving my body and my weight began dropping as a result of weekly cardio kickboxing sessions and one on one training with the heavy bag and my trainer's constant direction. The transformation of my body was also morphing me on the inside. I began seeing things more objectively, acted less impulsively, and realized I was the one who had all the power all along. I had allowed him to take that from me and I was done with that!

I locked him out of the house, and slowly but surely began to dissolve and separate any joint financial responsibilities we once shared.  To be perfectly frank, it wasn't very difficult since mostly everything was under my name anyways.  The last point of contention was his cell phone which was under a family plan under my name.  I decided to take back the line and because of an ongoing contractual obligation with the carrier, I had to have a phone activated.  It was then I began receiving phone calls from all the women he had been seeing while we were together.  That was an interesting time to say the least.  At first, I would call these women back or string them along by responding to text messages so I could acquire information, but I realized I needed to move on from that.  That was another major source of stress and tension so I simply turned off the phone one day and left it at that.

Today, I am about 50 lbs lighter than in the picture above. It's been several months since he left the house and moved into his own place.  I feel better emotionally and physically. For the first time in a long time, I feel I am strong and independent and I have continued to maintain working towards my own personal goals of where I feel my body should be.  I still train mainly with free weights, body-weight resistance exercises, circuit training, dab in kickboxing and boxing, jog; I am now working on my first set of non-assisted pull ups, and I throw in some cardio for good measure.  My arms and legs are muscular and there is a hint of a 6 pack under the layer of fat that still covers my abdomen, but I realize that will soon go, too.  I still have a ways to go, but I am definitely a lot happier with my physique today than I was a year ago.

I no longer focus on the ‘personal appearance’ so much. I want to live a long healthy life. I now focus more on eating well, keeping stress down, getting enough rest, and empowering and balancing myself. I still have a love hate relationship with my scale, but it seems that everything else is falling into place.